Friday, December 12, 2014

Saying Sayonara to Senior Year

     Although I still have a semester left before graduation, I'll be spending it student teaching, making this effectively my last semester at Witt. Wow.
     How did three and a half years pass so quickly? I remember staying up late and ordering pizza with my friends, then eating it in the wide hallways of Myers Hall. I remember trying to study for finals with friends, but learning more about what happened at parties over the weekend than climate change or the pluscuamperfecto tense in Spanish. I remember "wolf-packing" it to the gym to relieve finals stress, then the same large group later walking to the CDR to replace some of the burned off calories with ice cream and pizza during Midnight Breakfast.
     This semester has been stresssful to say the least; each day I've counted down how long it is until the next break and weighed whether I would make it or not. Part of me feels a bit guilty because I haven't truly enjoyed my last real semester at Witt, but another part of me understands the stress and frustrations and is justified in saying "get me the hell outta here!" More than anything, I've been very frustrated with one particular teacher that has been challenging and not as supportive as I've needed. In addition to making me cry in class, this teacher has also made me second-guess my major that I hold most dearly and told me she didn't believe I could do an honors thesis if I didn't have the bulk of it written before spring semester started.
     Luckily, I leave campus tomorrow and will not be coming back until January. While I've had countless wonderful experiences at Witt, at the end of this semester I'm at a point where leaving campus is all I really want right now. I'm hoping my last semester will revive love I have for this university, but right now I'm just very tired and need the break. Although this is my good-bye post to senior year, it's not over yet and I'm hoping I can take the next five months and make more wonderful memories before I have to leave campus, not for break, but as a graduate.