Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Musings on Senior Year

     Starting senior year I thought I would be more anxious and nervous. I mean, in a year I will hopefully have a great new job and will be exploring a new city. Maybe the nerves will kick in later, but for now, I'm excited. My classes are fun, but already a bit challenging, and I can't wait for The Torch to pick up again. 
     My freshman year I had no intentions of ever writing for a newspaper. I wandered over to The Torch's booth to talk to my RA, Maggie McKune, then the editor-in-chief. Despite her leadership position on the paper, she was very quiet and there weren't many people coming by to sign up. People would look, then walk away. I decided to take matters into my own hands and call people over. Later she told me that I had to come to a meeting and of course, I agreed.
     Three years and many hours of work later, The Torch has given me some of the best experiences of my college years. I've seen Seattle and Chicago for conferences and I've grown as a writer, a photographer, an editor, and a person. It sounds cheesy, and maybe it is, but the hours spent in our Torch office has become some of my favorite memories.
     As a senior I hope to take full advantage of my last semesters at Witt. I want to learn more, see more, experience more, and grow more, both with my personal life and my "Torch life." Although I joined as a photographer who sometimes wrote stories, I've now found a balance of the two that I really enjoy. Keeping that balance and developing both skills would be my goal this semester. With lots of practice, constructive criticism, and new ideas, I hope that Advanced News Writing will help me grow as a writer and as a journalist.

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